142 South Algoma Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 3B8

Phone: (807) 345-7612
Email: info@baycreditunion.com


All roads lead to Great Rates!

Look no further than BAY for GREAT investment rates on TFSA, RRSP, and GIC's!

Contact for more information on investments!

Alise Gore- Investment Officer

Direct: (807) 683-2602 / Office: (807) 345-7612 / Fax: (807) 345-8939

Cumberland Branch: 406 N. Cumerland, Thunder Bay Ontario, P7A 4P8


Amanda Kukko- Investment Officer

Office: (807) 683-2601 / Fax: (807) 345-8939

Algoma Branch: 142 Algoma Street S, Thunder Bay Ontario, P7B 3B8